
Manage claims – Sell, Rent, Lease & Auction your land!


RealEstate is a powerful plugin designed to enhance your Minecraft server’s land management by integrating with popular plugins such as Vault, GriefPrevention, and Essentials. With RealEstate, players can put their claims up for sale, rent, lease, or even auction them. The plugin handles various transaction types, ensuring a seamless in-game economy.

The plugin supports both player-owned and Admin claims. For Admin claims, the owner is set to “SERVER” so that these special claims are managed separately.

Plugin Commands

The following commands are available in RealEstate:

Command Description Usage
/re info Displays information about the claim you’re standing in. /re info
/re list Lists all active RealEstate offers (sell, rent, lease, auction). /re list [all|sell|rent|lease] <page>
/re renewrent Toggles automatic renewal for rented claims. /re renewrent [enable|disable]
/re exitoffer Manage exit offers to cancel an ongoing transaction. /re exitoffer [info|create|accept|refuse|cancel]
/re bid Place a bid on an auctioned claim. /re bid <bid>
/re cancel Cancel an ongoing transaction (admin command). /re cancel

How the Signs Work

RealEstate uses in-game signs as the primary method of displaying transaction information. Each sign shows key details about the transaction, such as:

  • Header: The top line is always the RealEstate header (configured via cfgSignsHeader).
  • Transaction Type: The second line displays the type of transaction:
    • FOR SALE for selling claims (configurable via cfgReplaceSell).
    • FOR RENT for renting claims (configurable via cfgReplaceRent).
    • FOR LEASE for leasing claims (configurable via cfgReplaceLease).
    • FOR AUCTION for auctioned claims (configurable via cfgReplaceAuction).
  • Price and Details: The subsequent lines show the price and any additional information, such as duration, bid step, or remaining lease payments.

For example: When a player creates a sell offer, the sign will immediately update to show the header, sale type (e.g., “FOR SALE”), the seller’s name (or “SERVER” if it is an Admin claim), and the price formatted with the appropriate currency symbol.

The instant update for sell signs has been enhanced so that players can immediately see their changes, providing a real-time interactive experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is the RealEstate plugin?

A: RealEstate is a plugin that allows players to sell, rent, lease, or auction their claims, integrating with economy and permissions plugins to create an in-game market for land transactions.

Q: How do I list my claim for sale?

A: To list your claim for sale, stand within your claim and place a sign with one of the sell keywords (e.g., [sell], [sell claim]). Make sure to provide a valid price on the sign. The sign will update instantly to show your offer.

Q: What does an Admin claim mean?

A: An Admin claim is a claim owned by the server (denoted as “SERVER”). When a claim is designated as an Admin claim, the plugin sets the owner to SERVER in the database and applies different rules and permissions accordingly.

Q: How does automatic renewal work for rented claims?

A: When a player rents a claim, they can toggle automatic renewal using the /re renewrent command. If enabled, the plugin automatically processes payments at the end of each rent period, as long as the player has sufficient funds.

Q: What happens if a transaction is canceled?

A: If a transaction (sell, rent, lease, or auction) is canceled, the plugin will remove the associated sign from the world and roll back any related permissions or payments. This helps prevent confusion and ensures that the transaction is properly terminated.

Q: I see errors related to UUIDs. What should I do?

A: UUID errors typically occur when the plugin attempts to read a UUID from the database that is empty or malformed. Ensure that all claims are correctly registered and that admin claims use SERVER as the owner. Our latest update includes improvements to handle these cases gracefully.

Change Log – Version 1.4.4 (2025-02-19)

  • Added bStats Integration
    • RealEstate now includes bStats, a lightweight metrics system for Bukkit/Spigot/Paper plugins.
    • This helps the development team gather anonymous statistics such as:
      • The number of servers using RealEstate
      • Minecraft versions in use
      • Plugin version distribution

Read Full Changelog